What you feel, you can heal. - John Gray
Men feel cherished when they are needed. Women feel cherished when they are loved.Indonesian version (Bahasa):Kaum pria jadi termotivasi dan bersemangat kala mereka merasa dibutuhkan.Kaum wanita jadi termotivasi dan bersemangat kala mereka merasa dicintai. - John Gray
تتحدث النساء لنفس الاسباب التي يتوقف الرجال بسببها عن الكلام - John Gray
Histories of morality are rarely written in order to inform the reader. - John Gray
It is not giving children more that spoils them; it is giving them more to avoid confrontation. - John Gray
The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again. - John Gray
I would love you all the day, every night we would kiss and play, if with me you'd fondly stray, over the hills and far away. - John Gray